
Invited Presentations

  1. Brantner CL. January 6, 2025. Predicting heterogeneous treatment effects in electronic health records via data integration. International Conference on Health Policy Statistics (ICHPS). Part of invited session (organizer: Hong H): Challenges and Promises on Generalizability and Inference using Electronic Health Records.

  2. Brantner CL. October 18, 2024. Data integration approaches to estimate heterogeneous treatment effects. Women in Statistics and Data Science. Part of invited session (organizer: Lotspeich S): Cause for celebration: Adapting causal inference methods for challenging datasets.

  3. Brantner CL. March 10, 2024. Combining trials to estimate heterogeneous treatment effects in a target sample. Eastern North American Region (ENAR) International Biometrics Society. Part of invited session (organizer: Brantner CL): Integrating Data from Multiple Sources to Estimate Causal Effects.

  4. Brantner CL. February 23, 2024. Data integration approaches to estimate heterogeneous treatment effects. Invited presentation for Johns Hopkins Biostatistics Prospective PhD Student Visit Day.

  5. Lupton-Smith C. January 24, 2022. Family caregiving subtypes and well-being in the Caregiving Transitions Study: A latent class analysis. Research in Progress presentation for Epidemiology and Biostatistics of Aging Training Group.

  6. Lupton-Smith C. October 8, 2021. Factors associated with county-level mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Invited presentation for Johns Hopkins Biostatistics Virtual Prospective Student Event.

Contributed Presentations

  1. Brantner CL. March 22, 2023. Combining datasets to estimate heterogeneous treatment effects. Eastern North American Region (ENAR) International Biometrics Society.

  2. Brantner CL. December 18, 2022.Combining datasets to estimate heterogeneous treatment effects. International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2022).

  3. Lupton-Smith C., Badillo Goicoechea E, Chang T, Stuart EA. October 7, 2021. Factors associated with county-level mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Women in Statistics and Data Science Conference.


  1. Brantner CL. May 30, 2022. School Reopening Analysis. Data Skeptic.

Poster Presentations

  1. Ettman CK, Ringlein GV, Straub JL, Dohlman P, Brantner CL, Chin E, Badillo Goicoechea E, Sthapit S, Goes FS, Stuart EA, Zandi PP. (2024) Trends in the Use of Telehealth by Area Deprivation in a Large U.S. Academic Hospital. *Society for Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting.

    • *Recipient of Best Poster Award
  2. Brantner CL. (2023). Combining datasets to estimate heterogeneous treatment effects. American Causal Inference Conference.

  3. Ettman CK, Brantner CL, Albert M, et al. (2023). Trends in telehealth and in-person psychiatric care from 2017-2022 among patients with depression in a large US academic medical system. Society for Epidemiologic Research.

  4. Ettman CK, Brantner CL, Albert M, et al. (2023). Trends in telehealth and in-person psychiatric care from 2017-2022 among patients with depression in a large US academic medical system. AcademyHealth.

  5. Ettman CK, Brantner CL, Albert M, et al. (2023). Trends in telehealth and in-person psychiatric care from 2017-2022 among patients with depression in a large US academic medical system. International Association for Population Health Sciences.

  6. Bentley J, Lupton-Smith C, Roth D. (2021). Family caregiving subtypes in the Caregiving Transitions Study: A latent class analysis. Gerontological Society of America.

  7. Chang T, Lupton-Smith C, Badillo Goicoechea E, Stuart EA (2021). Examining county-level mental health using Facebook COVID-19 Symptom Survey data. American Psychopathological Association.

  8. McLaughlin JE, Lupton-Smith C, Bell EL, Hubal R, Persky A. (2020). Automated analysis of course evaluation comments: The use of sentiment analysis to characterize classroom teaching. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy.
    *Recipient of AACP SAS Best Poster Award.